I admit that I hate horror, but I can appreciate the horror genre. In films like Arachnaphobia, the audience can laugh, and still be scared to take a shower because the balance of horror and comic relief is done well. In Slither, however, directed by Scooby-Doo writter James Gunn, that correlation is unbalanced, and boderlines mere stupidity more than anything else.
The film is not scary. And although it is filled with blood and guts, it is not grossly gory (meaning I was perfectly fine sitting there eating while watching it.) Besides one or two jumpy moments, it was ridiculous and unsuspenseful.
The smart talking mayor, played by Gregg Henry, provides some comic relief, but he began to get more obnoxious than anything else. The attempts at black humour were sad, and came off as ridiculous.
This was not that funny, nor was it scary, two of the things it prided itself in being. If you like silly horrors and cheesy comedy, you may enjoy it, but I for one, did not.
Overall Grade: C
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