If you were one of the many throroughly confused by the first Mission Impossible and thoroughly dissapointed by the second, then you are bound to be completely and totally enthralled by the third. Lost creator J. J. Abrhams shows audiences what a thrilling action movie should be all about. Not to mention that his supporters brought back about half of the liberal audiences who would have otherwise boycotted the movie on behalf of Tom Cruise.
Cruise's character, Ethan Hunt, is back again, this time getting married. Abrhams does a great job of personalizing characters. Before, Hunt was just an agent capable of doing the impossible for the greater good. Now, similiar to Lost's backstories, we see Hunt at an engagement party surrounded by friends and loved ones- a normal, happy person. Suddenly, with a coded phone call, he is thrown back into the agent world to save Lindsay Ferris (Keri Russel, who's looking much better now that her hair's grown back.)
Enter our favorite character actor, Philip Seymour Hoffman. He plays Owen Davian, head of quite the conspiracy, and possibly one of the most confidently evil bad guys to date. He is merciless, viscious, and so sure of himself. I never cease to be completely blown away by Hoffman's performance.
Along with a great storyline, MI:III also has the action and "cool toys" that we have come to love from these movies. It goes past the realm of "there's no way they could ever do that," to "Oh my God, I can't believe they just did that!" As an audience member, you will be on the edge of your seat and completely into every minute of this movie. I found myself nervously drumming and holding my breath at points. You are so sucked into the film that you forget how impossible these missions are.
Lost fans will notice some familiar things in this film. First of all, the music is, if not the same, almost identical. Perhaps because composer Michael Giacchino also does the music for the TV show. Also, before you go see MI:III, rewatch the episode of Lost where Ethan hangs Charlie, and Jack desperately performs CPR.
This film is nothing life changing, but if you're looking for something fun, thrilling, and exciting this summer, this is the blockbuster to go see. It is by far the best of the trilogy. And for those of you who are worried about Mr. Cruise, you forget that you're even watching him. There are so many other things going on in the movie, you will be too stimlulated to think about anything else (although, the explosive charge in their heads drew quite the parrallel to aliens that scientology tries to "zap" out.) This film is fun, and definately worth seeing.
Overall Grade: A-
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